The Transition Program
In the last two years at Dandenong Valley SDS the students are said to be in the transition phase of their schooling.
The focus of the educational program is to provide the students with a wide, diverse range of programs that promote the development of their educational, social and vocational skills in preparation for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. This may include supporting students to move on to centre based programs, individual programs, individual work opportunities, vocational settings and workplaces in the future.
Where possible students are supported to make choices about their learning, to work independently, to plan and to prepare themselves for life situations and mixing with the broader community. Students work across the school in various environments and programs tailored to their personal learning, physical, communication and personal safety needs.
What We Aim For
Programs undertaken in the following areas
All students work towards completing level one and two of the bridge award.
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Students will work towards the Bronze Award during their time in Transition.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an accredited program offered through Awards Victoria that recognises the fantastic achievements, skills and personal growth of students.
This program has been in operation since 1956. Its main objective is to allow young people achieve their personal best through a balanced program of activities.
It allows individuals to be exposed to new and exciting challenges, meet new people and engage with the environment.
The students are assisted to choose a program of activities according to their personal needs, aptitudes and the availability of resources.
For more about the Duke of Edinburgh Award, Click Here.
Community based
Community access
Travel training
Waverley industries
Belgrave fitness program
Inter school sports
Work experience
Camps –
Local, Country and Interstate
School based
Meals for one
Sensory Exploration
Volunteer work
Car washing
Garden Maintenance
Exploring ICT
Around the world
First Aid
Human Body
Personal Safety
Graduating group
Students attend a graduation ceremony at the completion of their final year. Families and significant others are invited to attend the ceremony and conclude with refreshments and personal photo opportunities. Students are presented with a small gift and a certificate for attending Dandenong Valley SDS. Video presentations of each individual are projected to commemorate the individual's time at Dandenong Valley SDS.