Why teach personal safety to our students?
Children and young people need personal safety skills in order to respond safely to dangerous, upsetting or abusive situations before it becomes serious.
Students with disabilities may be more vulnerable for a variety of reasons:
They may come into contact with a multiplicity of carers and care settings. Some are dependent on adults for their intimate care on a daily basis. This can make the task of distinguishing between appropriate and inappropriate touching more difficult.
Many students with disabilities have limited understanding of danger.
Students with physical disabilities or a visual impairment may be at greater risk due to their lack of mobility.
Some students with disabilities can be more vulnerable because they may not be able to communicate or their attempts at communicating may be misunderstood.
Students with challenging behaviour may be at increased risk of physical abuse.
Students with special needs may be over protected. This can result in passivity and compliance, and an over-reliance on adults for all their needs.
Program structure
The program is arranged in four major sections:
Self-protection; which will increase the awareness of students to situations which might impact upon their personal safety and empower them with the ability to act appropriately and with confidence.
Parent information brochure