Our Mission
We strive to provide a smooth, happy introduction to school by creating a safe, nurturing environment.
Our students learn and grow through a range of stimulating experiences which assist in preparing them for the next level of their education.
Programs and Activities
Our Junior classrooms have access to an enclosed undercover area and courtyard which is used in wet weather and for combined activities.
Our youngest students also have access to a dedicated outdoor playground and individual classroom outdoor play spaces.
Our classrooms provide safe, supportive, stimulating learning environments with educational programs which cater for individual skills, strengths, needs and interests. All students have Individual Education Plans developed in consultation with relevant therapy staff and with parents.
Our Junior School programs include PMP, swimming, horse-riding at Myuna Farm, an Interaction program with a local Primary School. Early academic programs, many of which have a strong play-based component, self-care programs, and therapy programs where appropriate.
Some of our junior groups also participate in community-based programs such as shopping, visiting local parks and the library.
Helping Your Child At School
Some ideas to practise prior to, and throughout your child’s time in the Junior School.
*Encourage your child to take care of their own belongings – including packing up when finished.
*Practise using a tissue to blow their own noses.
*Assist your child to follow simple directions.
*Encourage ‘quiet time’ at home, sitting and listening to stories.
*Teach your child things like unpacking their school bag and opening their lunchbox.
*Help your child to recognise their name – on clothing and on paper.
*Play with your child! Play develops social skills such as turn-taking, cooperation, sharing and responding to others, as well as basic literacy and numeracy skills.
Transition Process
If this is your child’s first year at school, to assist them in their transition to school we will organise orientation sessions for you and your child.
While the children are playing and getting to know the teachers, each other and the school, you will be invited to attend our Parent Information Session, while enjoying refreshments.
The sessions will give you the opportunity to view our facilities, meet the principal, and hear about school programs, protocols and uniforms.
It is also a great opportunity to meet other prep parents.
To assist our students with transitions between classrooms and eventually between departments, Junior students participate in combined departmental activities and in whole school activities such as sports days.
These activities assist our students to become familiar with other staff, students and areas within the school.
Please visit our ‘Contact Us’ page for further information.