Our Mission
The Middle School at Dandenong Valley SDS endeavours to provide all students with a structured, supportive, stimulating and safe environment. Our students are encouraged to reach their maximum potential through educational and social opportunities.
Our focus is student centred learning where all students are provided with a variety of teaching and learning experiences which reflect their individual needs. We endeavour to assist our students to make connections between their own learning and real life opportunities.
We strive for each child to:
* Become as independent as possible.
* Increase their ability to communicate.
* Develop a strong sense of self.
* Take responsibility for self within the classroom and school.
* Learn to cooperate with and respect others.
Programs and Activities
All students within the Middle School have Individual Education Plans. Student learning goals are written within the framework of the domain areas of the Victorian Curriculum. Programs offered endeavour to promote independence and the acceptance of responsibility. A thematic approach is used and students are provided with opportunities to apply skills learnt.
Our Middle School Department Programs Include:
English, Mathematics, Science – Sensory exploration, horticulture, Health and Physical Education – Healthy eating, fitness, sports, basketball, bike-riding, independent living skills, swimming and horse-riding, Humanities, Personal Safety, Social Competencies – SWPBS, community access, shopping, cooking, music, camps, incursions and excursions and Art.
Information Communication Technologies include; Computers, a wide variety of software applications, Interactive whiteboard technology, iPads, digital cameras, switch access devices and programs, Interactive ‘touch screen’ tables and safe use of common appliances.
Communication strategies include: Auslan Key Word Signing and Augmentative communication Systems.
For communication strategies, see Speech Therapy Page.
Whole Department Activities
* Special Activity Theme Days
* End of year excursions
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Music Therapy
Helping Your Child To Succeed At School
* Encourage your child to be as independent as possible.
* Encourage your child to pack their own school bag.
* Encourage your child to communicate.
* Promote good health and hygiene practices.
Transition processes
If your child is transitioning to our school from another setting or from Juniors to Middle School, we will organise orientation activities to ensure this process is as smooth as possible.
* Introduce your child to his/her new teacher.
* Take your child to see his/her classroom.
* Spend a few sessions in the new area of the school.
* Share information about students between staff ensuring confidentiality at all times and a smooth transition from each department.
* Introduce your child to proposed programs.
Please visit our ‘Contact Us’ page for further information.