A group based Early Education Program is in operation at Dandenong Valley SDS.
Highly skilled teachers and co-educators deliver the Early Education Program at Dandenong Valley SDS. It offers a structured pre-school program with an emphasis on communication, independence and socialisation skills. We operate two Early Education Program classrooms and each room has a special education teacher and co-educator to deliver the program.
The educators work in consultation and collaboration with a team of other specialists based at the school including speech pathologists, physiotherapist, occupational therapists and music therapists. Children who attend the Early Education Program do not receive individual therapy sessions as part of their program. The Early Education Program does include a therapy component within the classroom with educators implementing strategies based on consultation with the school therapy staff. The Early Education Program does align with the strategic plan goals of Dandenong Valley SDS to focus on developing:
Aim of the Early Education Program:
To assist families who have children between the ages of 2.8 years (children must turn three before 30th April) and 4.8 years who have specific developmental needs or are developmentally delayed. The aim of this program is to provide support/intervention as early as possible in the child’s life so that all paramedical and educational supports are well in place during the vital formative years.
Nature of the Early Education Program:
The program uses the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework to guide teaching and deliver a play based learning approach.
This program involves the provision of:
Transition support for children moving into the school system including information about the range of school options available and assistance to access the option of their choice.
School Based Program
Children attend the school-based program for either 1 or two days per week depending on their age. Our three-year-old program operates 1 day per week, while our four-year-old program operates for two days each week. The program features the use of Picture Exchange, Key Word Sign and other forms of Alternative and Augmented Communication (AAC) to assist the development of the children’s communication skills. Self-help skills (toileting and eating), numeracy, art/craft (drawing, painting, play dough, cut & paste), gross motor and social/play skills are all part of the program. There is an emphasis on positive behaviour management and parent support.
If you are interested in our Early Education Program, please contact the EEP coordinator on 9704-4800. The EEP coordinator will be happy to organise a tour and discuss options for enrolment.