Program Description:
The Vocational Education Program at Dandenong Valley School provides senior students with the opportunity to access a competency based, vocationally oriented program. It incorporates:
Transition to Post School Options:
Work Education:
Please Click here to see the Transition Program Page.
Supported Employment Training:
The Supported Employment Training Program involves students working with a trainer in community-based employment. This program requires the application of skills and competencies developed through the Work Preparation Program and provides opportunities for further skill and competency development. Supported Employment is conducted under regulations of the Work Experience Act. The students are employed in the community for approximately one day each week for a semester. Through this program, Dandenong Valley SDS has developed strong links with local employers and the community.
The Transition Process:
The Futures for Young Adults Program (a joint initiative between the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education) requires our students to leave school at the end of the year in which they turn eighteen. Dandenong Valley SDS works cooperatively with the Department of Human Services to support students and their families through the transition process. Transition programs encourage the development of the skills required to function as fully and independently as possible in adult life, whether it be in post school employment, further training, leisure and recreation or independent living environments.
Transition programs provided at Dandenong Valley SDS include classroom and community based programs, Therapy Programs and Vocational Education. In addition students make visits to adult centres and services to raise their awareness of available options, and in their final year complete orientation placements in their chosen options. Through these programs students are encouraged to develop a knowledge of their own personal and vocational strengths and interests, and an increased awareness of available post school options.