Information and Communication Technology
Information and communications technology is used by students to access, process, manage and present information; construct new understanding; and communicate with others. Information and Communication Technology, as an interdisciplinary domain, focuses on providing students with the tools to transform their learning and to enrich their learning environment.
ICT offers students the opportunities to:
Each classroom has networked computers for student use. All networked computers have internet access. To facilitate student access to computers and programs, peripherals including Big keys keyboards, switches, switch adapted mice, interactive whiteboards and touch monitors are available.
All classrooms also have interactive screens. Interactive screens are touch sensitive and enable easier access to teaching and learning situations for individual and groups of students. The interactive screen- specific software and the screens have increased student engagement, motivated students and promoted an enthusiasm for learning. They support different learning styles and enable students to be truly active learners.
With the NSSCF funds received in 2011, we have set up a very successful ipad program. There are currently approximately 80 ipads in use across the school. These devices are very motivating for our students and the wide range of Apps available provide a variety of learning experiences. With the addition of the Proloquo2Go communication App, these devices can also be used as a very effective communication device while capitalising on the "cool" factor of ipads. Ipod touch devices , with the addition of a speaker, can also be used in this manner. The school provides a device for a trial period and if the trial proves successful, the parents are encouraged to purchase a device so the student can have access to a communication device at all times.