Speech Therapy at DVSDS
Speech Pathologists work in the areas of language, speech, voice, fluency, articulation, and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). We also assess eating and drinking skills.
At Dandenong Valley School we work with and provide training to staff, students and their families to develop communication and mealtime skills. We use multimodal communication (a variety of ways to communicate) and strategies to support functional/meaningful communication and access to the school curriculum. In particular, we support students in areas such as:
The Speech Pathologists at Dandenong Valley School work collaboratively with all school staff supporting them with expanding student’s communication skills and providing meaningful opportunities to express themselves throughout the day. The ultimate communication goal is to encourage the students at Dandenong Valley School to build communication autonomy. Communication autonomy means; being able to say what I want to say, to whoever I want to say it to, whenever I want to say it.
Lamp Device
Reading with Word Power device
Using Proloquo2Go
Device use during Literacy
Using 'hot' button on the device
Using the Coreboard
Using the Power 60 Device
Using the PODD Book
(Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display)
Using the Mealtime ALD Mat
(Aided Language Display)
Using the outdoor Core board
For Speech Pathology related Web links, please visit our links page.